
Free FTP Applications

The following downloads are at www.download.com , where you can find all kinds freeware and shareware aplications. (Occasionally they move files at download.com and the links below fail. If that happens, either go to their site and do a search for the product or try one of the alternate sites provided below.)

FETCH for Macs
Additional sites: Here is a
tutorial for using WS FTP LE as well as an alternate download site. Here is a tutorial for using FETCH as well as an alternate download site.
Free TELNET Applications

The following downloads are at www.download.com , where you can find all kinds freeware and shareware aplications. PC users should read the tutorial below since you probably already have Telnet on your Windows machine.

TOKEN 2 TELNET Client for PCs
Additional sites: Here is a
turorial on using Window's built in telnet application on PCs. Here is a tutorial on using NCSA TELNET for MACs as well as the download.

Source Files for Figures
Figure 2.1
Figure 2.3
Figures as They Appear in the Text

Support for
Homework Problems
Exercise 5
Extra Exercises
These will be provided over time as I make them and as they are suggested to me.